The Board of Huron County Commissioners, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 955.17, has authorized the performance of a cost-analysis study to determine the actual costs to the county for providing the services required under sections 955.12, 955.15, and 955.16 of the Ohio Revised Code, which relate to the administrative duties of the Dog Warden, fees for pick-up and boarding of dogs, and disposing of dogs. The study will also include the cost of any miscellaneous services provided by the Dog Warden that are not otherwise expressly provided for in the above sections of the code.

A public hearing will be held on the results of this study on November 15, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. in the Board Room of the Huron County Commissioners, 180 Milan Avenue, Ste. 7, Norwalk, Ohio 44857.  After the hearing, the Board of Huron County Commissioners may, by resolution, establish fees to replace those specified in the abovementioned sections of the Ohio Revised Code.

Vickie Ziemba

Huron County Administrator/Clerk

Publish: October 13, 2022